November 2012
I have many distinct food memories from my childhood. Many
are wonderful, some not so pleasant.
The not so pleasant include not being able to eat Mexican
food for years because I got the flu one day I had tacos for school lunch. Another is the day in preschool when the
snack was cutout shapes of American cheese. I hate American cheese and
something about the thought of consuming a piece of American cheese that had been
handled and left to sit out for so long and then jiggled in my face like it was
somehow appetizing because it was the shape of a bear still makes me shudder.
Some of my most pleasant memories include cupcakes at school
for a birthday, personal pan pizzas earned via Book It! or, when I was
really lucky, dirt pudding. Many times throughout the course of elementary
school, a doting mother (or maybe father, who knows), would scoop chocolate
pudding into little cups, top them with crumbled Oreos, stick a gummy worm on
top and deliver those edible terrariums of delight to a classroom I lucky enough
to be in. I reference school because that is the only place I can ever remember
eating dirt. My mother was more the homemade chocolate chip cookie type, and I
love her for that.
I recently had a tremendous craving for dirt. Maybe it was because it was just before
Halloween and my inbox was inundated with e-mails from cooking sites re: spooky
desserts, many involving gummy worms. Either way, I began snooping around the
interwebs, thinking I could evolve dirt into more “adult” dessert, and came up
with dirt cupcakes.
There is actually nothing more adult about dirt cupcakes
than dirt in any other form. I guess dirt cupcakes require using an oven, some
cutting, and more than three ingredients, but they made me feel like I was
eight years old again. I kept these really simple ie. semi-homemade. I used
Kozy Shack Chocolate Pudding, a box of devil’s food cake mix, and a can of
chocolate icing (homestyle of course).
Part of the reason I did this was because I was making them late at
night after several glasses of wine at a sushi dinner and I didn’t feel like
making a huge mess getting out everything from scratch. Also, in a tiny
kitchen, box mixes sometimes just feel right.
Recipe is as a follows:
Bake cupcakes according to directions on box.
Once cupcakes have cooled, cut out top of cupcake,
about an 1 ¼ inc deep, 1 in in diameter. Do not throw top away, although you
will need to cut off excess cake so that it can be used as a “lid”. Put the
“lids” aside.
Put spoonful of chocolate pudding in each
cupcake and replace cupcake “lid”.
Ice cupcakes.
Crush up oreos by hand, or in food processor.
Dip top of each cupcake into crushed oreos, or “dirt”.
Place a gummy worm on top.
Nom. Nom. Nom.
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